It’s important to always remember that when you’re on live stream, how you look matters just as much as how you sound.
Pay close attention to your facial expressions, how you sit or stand, and the timing of your movements. Since viewers can see you, smiling, looking friendly, and staying within the camera frame is key.
It’s not just about talking; it’s also about making sure you look good and everything on screen is just right for the audience.
Keep Eye Contact: This helps you connect with the audience.
Adjust the Frame: Move the camera left or right and scale up or down as needed.
Edit or Create Guest Names: Be prepared to update or add names for guests on screen.
Headroom: is the space between the top of a person’s head and the top of the screen. It helps make the shot look balanced and makes sure the person isn’t too close to the edge of the frame. Too little headroom makes the shot feel cramped, while too much can make it look awkward.

Ask Guests to Switch to Landscape Mode: Ensure guests switch their devices to landscape mode before the video call starts.
Don’t Switch to Guests Before the Show Starts: Wait until the program begins.
Turn Off Music: Ensure the background music is off when the show starts.
Show the Start of the Show: Use an opening logo and theme to indicate the program is starting.
Give Guests Clear Signals: Let guests know when it’s their turn to talk or when the segment is ending.